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Wei Liu (Professor)
发布时间: 2015-01-15 13:16:55   作者:Lab Leader   来源: 热科学与工程实验室原创  

Wei Liu,Professor of the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Doctoral supervisor, enjoys the government subsidy of the State Council. He concurrently serves as the executive director of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, the vice chairman of the Heat and Mass Transfer Branch, and has served as the chairman or member of the organizing committee, scientific committee, and member of multiple international conferences. Professor Wei Liu served as a director of the Chinese Renewable Energy Society, the vice chairman of the Hubei Engineering Thermophysics Society, a member of the Thermal Engineering Curriculum Guidance Subcommittee of the Ministry of Education, a national quality course leader, review expert for the National Natural Science Award, and a review expert for the Science and Technology Award of the Ministry of Education , Member of the expert review team of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc. He has long been engaged in scientific research and teaching in the field of engineering thermophysics and energy, and presided over national, provincial and ministerial scientific research projects and enterprises including key and general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, national "973" plan projects, and general assembly pre-research projects. More than 50 cooperative projects of technological transformation and scientific research institutes. He has published more than 310 SCI papers in international journals, more than 11000 citations in Google Scholar, and an H factor of 60. He has won 1 second prize of National Teaching Achievement Award (ranking 1), 1 first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Education (ranking 1), 1 first prize of Hubei Province Natural Science Award (ranking 1), and first prize of Hubei Province Teaching Achievement Award 2 items (ranking 1), Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award 1 item (ranking 2), etc. Presided over the formulation of a national standard, and the proposed quantitative indicator system for the evaluation of industrial residual energy resources has become a national standard. He has been authorized 22 national invention patents, published 3 academic monographs, published 2 "12th Five-Year" national planning textbooks and power press planning textbooks, one of which was awarded a national quality textbook. Professor Wei Liu has cultivated more than 80 doctoral and master students, of which 3 doctoral students obtained excellent doctoral dissertations in Hubei Province, and 3 doctoral students were jointly trained with MIT and UIUC.

Phone: 086-027-87541998

Email: w_liu@hust.edu.cn